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A.I.  Navigator 
A Five Step Data Driven Program for
Enterprise A.I. Strategy and Adoption

Based on years of enterprise level people and technology transformation experience we have developed a tailored, flexible and scalable five stage approach to help organizations of any size, in any sector identify, prioritize, plan, build and implement their long term AI transformation strategy.

A.I. Navigator is a data and evidence driven approach to

making your A.I. transformation investment decisions.


A.I. Fireside. Bring you leadership team up to speed and onto the same page 

A.I. Pulse Check. Quantify A.I. awareness, readiness and current utilization across your organization to inform you A.I,. strategy

A.I. Pathways. Identify, quantify and rank the most critical A.I. transformation use cases and prioritize investments

A.I.. Blueprints. Build a data driven A.I transformation strategy and projects pipleine

A.I. Runway. Turn plans into reality and results

A.I. Navigator
Five Stage Program

Each stage of the program can be engaged as a stand alone service or combined for maximum benefit.


1-on-1 Trend Conversation with our Experts

FIRESIDE chats are an opportunity to connect with one or more of our team for a debrief on AI trends and opportunities that will impact your business.


The objective of Fireside is to inform, orient and prepare an organizations leadership team to A.I. Strategy development.


  • Preliminary business discovery interview

  • One-on-one business specific trend and case study discussions

  • Group / Team level trend and case study presentations

  • Business or operational challenge specific research and discussion


Map your teams awarness, readiness and current AI experience

A.I. PULSE CHECK is a proprietary workforce survey tool, tailored to each organization that assesses the Awareness, Readiness and Current AI experience across your individuals, teams and organization.


Before an organization can build a workforce A.I. Strategy, it needs to understand how Aware they are about A.I., how Ready they are to adopt A.I. and what the Current usage/experience is. Using our proprietary AARC A..A.R.C.  investigation and analysis process we make it possible to identify, score and rank potential A.I. adoption initiatives across your organization.


  • Proprietary e-mail survey or course based investigation

  • Proprietary A.I. Awareness, Readiness, Current experience report

  • Continuous monitoring process / dashboard for A.I. engagement progress

  • Identifies priority A.I. adoption use case candidates


Identify and Rank your AI Business Opportunities, Risks and Impact

A.I. PATHWAYS is a proprietary investigation and analysis tool that identifies and ranks the Opportunities and Risks across your business and ranks them on a proprietary Impact Index.


Even when potential priority A,.I. initiative candidates have been identified with the A.A.R.C process, an organization still needs to define, scope and rank where to make their A.I. adoption investments. ORII is a process of defining the opportunities, risks and impact indicators for use cases / initiatives for improved decisioning and planning.


  • Proprietary use case identification and pre ranking process

  • Business process discovery interviews / workshops

  • Market / vendor best practice research and matching

  • Propriatary A.I. Opportunity / Risk / Impact analysis and Indexing


Sort, Scope and Plan your AI Transformation Projects

A.I. BLUEPRINTS is a proprietary AI project planning process that leverages the A.A.R.C. and O.R.I.I. insights to identify, rank and define AI project priorities that are the right fit for each organization..


Based on the identification of priority A.I. initiatives we work with team and business leaders to identify the challenges, changes and activities required for adoption. 


  • Collaborate on initiative implementation scoping

  • Identify change management scope and activities

  • Identify people, process, policy and platform gaps and how to bridge them

  • Identify capabilities and skill gaps and how to bridge them

  • Collaborate to develop an aligned, consolidated A,.I. adaption initiatives pipeline


Get the support you'll need for long term AI transformation

RUNWAY is hands-on support from our talent, technology and change experts to navigate the people, policy, platform and process changes necessary for efficient and effective AI transformation.


The rapid pace of A.I. technology development means that organizations will be adapting and adopting A.I. into their business for the foreseeable future. Runway is a process to develop, align and manage a continuous pipeline of A.I. initiatives.


  • Implementation of continuous A.I. engagement / utilization monitoring

  • Configuration and management of A.I. Initiative pipeline

  • Design and implementation of internal structures for A.I. strategy planning and development

  • Support and resourcing for evolving A.I. initaitives

How A.I. Navigator
helps you build an A.I.  Strategy
Across Your  Organization?

Understand Your People

Your People are the key to any and all AI strategies.


The first step is making sure the right tools, methods and resources are in place to understand their readiness and progress in this journey.


Before you can even start you need to understand the extent of your teams awareness, readiness and current AI experiences.

Map Your Castle

AI can and will transform almost every aspects of your organization. 


An effective AI strategy requires looking at all functions of your business. 


Assessing and ranking the opportunities, risks and impact of AI across groups, departments, functions and more to identify where to start and how much to invest.

Build a Plan of Plans

Each organizations AI strategy will be unique to their business, structure and culture.


Each AI strategy will involve transforming platforms, processes, policies, people and even products. 


From procuring new technologies to developing proprietary training, an active AI strategy will require constant activity across an organization.

Our A.I. Service Portfolio

In addition to A.I. Adoption Navigator we have developed a portfolio of services designed to support the different needs of different organzitions at different stages of thier A.I. transformation.

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