Professional Collaboration Roundtables for People and Talent Leaders to explore and discuss AI themes, topics and issues
Connect with Other People and Talent Leaders to talk about A.I.
People Imperatives is an ongoing series of round table discussions with people and talent leaders from leading organizations featuring a unique structure the ensure participant get the the knowledge and value they are looking for
90 Minutes that Matter
We've designed People Imperatives Professional Roundtables to be more than just open discussions or another online webinar. Each session is a fully facilitated with less than 10 participants, to ensure active and relevant dialogs with space for everyone to participate.
Each event consists of three part agenda to ensure real knowledge sharing as well as space to identify and discuss emerging topics relevant to the participants.
People Imperatives Roundtable Agenda:
AI Trends for People and Talent Leaders - Yenza3 facilitators provide an overview of recent research, events, news and trends relevant to the participants
Issues and Themes Workshop - A facilitated online collaboration session to identify and explore the most challenging issues facing each particular session cohort
Questions, Answers and More Discussion - A facilitated discussion between predicants to share knowledge, experiences and insights across the cohort on their AI. Challenges
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Each session is limited to 10 participants.